
Dark blue sky above the San Francisco skyline, buildings lit, an orange yellow glow most pronounced towards the East, dark Dolores Park in the foreground, dotted with street lamps.Tantek taking a selfie in Dolores Park with a bunch of November Project runners planking behind him.Medium blue clear sky above an orange band at the horizon, backlighting trees above Dolores Park still in darkness, yet just light enough to see a dark green tint of the grassy field.November Project San Francisco group photo in Dolores Park with a view of early morning San Franciso in the background.Tony takes a selfie of himself and a larger than usual November Project San Francisco breakfast continent at the Dolores Park Cafe.Last #NPSF this decade. Made it to (most of?) the bounce & the entire workout. Dolores Park in the dark, downtown lights, the glow of dawn’s break(1). One @Nov_Project_SF workout station required planking until the next person got there, ~5.5 minutes for me, then taking a #selfie with everyone like @TheEllenShow’s at the 2014 #Oscars (https://twitter.com/TheEllenShow/status/440322224407314432) except with everyone else planking(2).

Slowly the clear sky lightened, an orange band on the horizon backlighting the trees under a medium blue glow(3). It was quite light out by the time we finished and took the group photo(4 📷 @TonyD256). Must be the holidays because we took over and re-arranged literally every table for the larger than normal breakfastclub attendance. Tony took a great selfie of us(5 📷 @TonyD256).

Super grateful for the #NovemberProjectSF community. Sweating it out with positive people while waking up with the #sunrise #outdoors is such a great start to the day. Especially helpful in weathering this year’s ups & downs. Thank you NPSF leadership for all that you do.

#NovemberProject #grateful #wakeUpTheSun #fromWhereIRun #dawn #sunrise #gradient #clearsky #deepbluesky #optoutside #DoloresPark #SanFrancisco #freefitness #plank #planking #run #runner #runners #nofilter

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